Monday, September 22, 2008

Natural Object Drawing

Draw a natural object, (animal, flower, insect, etc.).

Must be:
in ink, with texture and contrast
in your sketchbook
in the center of an otherwise blank page
3 inches across
tape your magazine image into your sketchbook

Do not:
draw a person, a hand or an eye
draw a fruit
use an image from the internet (the resolution is not high enough - not enough detail)

For A block due: Sept. 25th
For D and F block due: Sept. 26th

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Acorn Leaf Twig Drawing (aka "ALT")

Your drawing must include:

at least 3 natural objects
overlapping shapes
cast shadow

Your drawing will be graded on:
Line Quality
Range in Value
Cast Shadow
Class membership (effort, participation)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Stippling and Cross hatching practice

In YOUR SKETCHBOOK not on a separate piece of paper, draw two one inch X six inch boxes

One should be a gradiated scale from dark to light in stippling, the second should be a gradiated scale from dark to light in cross hatching.

A and C block due: Sept 9th
D and G block Due Sept. 10th